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减少工作场所伤害对各行各业的企业都至关重要. 尤其是对于新员工来说, implementing safety orientations in the onboarding process could play a major role in preventing injuries. 事实上, recent research found that 40% of occupational injuries occur among workers who have been in their roles for less than one year.

记住这一点, 企业不能忽视入职过程中安全导向的重要性. This article provides more information on why new workers are more vulnerable to on-the-job injuries, outlines the primary benefits of incorporating safety orientations in the onboarding process and offers best practices for conducting these orientations.


There are several reasons why new employees may be more likely to experience on-the-job injuries, 包括以下内容:

  • 消极的过去经历—New employees may have past experience working for companies that lacked a strong safety culture or failed to provide ample resources, 使他们不太了解职业危害和缓解战略. 
  • 错误的假设和糟糕的训练除了和以前的雇主有不愉快的经历之外, new workers’ current employers may incorrectly assume these employees already have ample safety training or operate under the false concept that those with “common sense” 不经过任何培训就能避免职业伤害吗. 因此, employers might center all onboarding processes around task completion and job performance rather than safety. 结果是, 这些员工可能很少或根本没有接受过安全教育, 这使得他们越来越难以对抗潜在的危险.
  • 熟悉度和舒适度降低新员工通常对工作环境不太熟悉, 工作职责及相关危害. 例如, these workers may not know when to utilize personal protective equipment during certain tasks, 如何处理危险材料或物质, 向谁报告安全问题, 或者如何应对工作场所的突发事件和紧急情况. This lack of familiarity could, in turn, make new employees more vulnerable to occupational injuries. 更糟的是, new workers hoping to make a good first impression may be less comfortable with reaching out and asking questions regarding workplace safety, 因此对关键问题仍然一无所知.


Businesses that incorporate safety orientations in their onboarding processes could encounter a wide range of benefits, 例如:

  • 加强安全意识-首先也是最重要的, including safety orientations in onboarding processes can help businesses increase new employees’ awareness of their surroundings and associated hazards, giving them the resources necessary to properly protect themselves as soon as they start their new roles. 从那里, these employees will likely feel more empowered to prioritize safety and not be afraid to consult their colleagues or supervisors if they have questions regarding workplace hazards. 完全, 这种安全意识的提高可以减少职业事故和伤害, 最终培养出一支更快乐、更健康的员工队伍.
  • 降低成本—Some businesses may believe that the costs of implementing safety orientations in their onboarding processes outweigh the benefits; however, 这些方向非常值得投资. 毕竟, the initial expenses of developing and presenting these orientations carry a small price tag compared to the costs of occupational injuries; according to the latest data from the National Safety Council, 公司平均支付42美元,每宗经医疗咨询的工伤事故为000美元. 通过帮助减少员工受伤, 这些定位也可以减少相关的工人赔偿索赔和费用, 从而节省了更大的成本.
  • 提高合规-各个州、地方和联邦机构(例如.g., OSHA and industry groups) have regulations in place that require businesses to provide their workers with job- and hazard-specific safety training. 像这样, including safety orientations in their onboarding processes can help companies maintain compliance with applicable standards. 
  • 提高士气和保留率-在员工入职过程中提供安全教育, businesses can effectively establish a solid workplace culture and make it clear that they value their employees’ health and well-being. 这可以帮助员工感到被支持,并提高他们的整体士气, thus resulting in increased productivity levels while keeping occupational incidents and injuries at a minimum. 此外, such safety education can help businesses demonstrate a commitment to protecting their employees, 鼓励这些员工忠于雇主,限制员工流动率


The information provided during safety orientations may vary based on a company’s work environment and the job responsibilities of the employees being onboarded. 然而,, here are some tips for businesses of all sizes and sectors to consider when offering these orientations:

  • 确保相关信息. Businesses should establish safety orientations that touch on hazards and mitigation strategies specific to their facilities, 工作场所设备和员工的角色.
  • 提供有用的资源. 对企业来说,最好包括一系列的工作场所资源(例如.g., 安全手册, 伤情报告规程, 事件响应措施和恢复工作流程)和第三方内容(例如.g., OSHA或行业特定计划)安全导向.
  • 让它变得有趣. Businesses should consider using visual presentations and hands-on modules to keep employees engaged during safety orientations. It’s also important for businesses to leverage periodic discussions and quizzes to gauge workers’ comprehension of the information being presented.
  • 跟进. 即使员工已经完全上岗, businesses should continually follow up with these workers to ensure they have everything they need to stay safe on the job. 随着时间的推移, businesses should continue to educate employees on workplace safety through routine training.


虽然新员工往往更容易受到职业伤害, incorporating safety orientations in their onboarding processes can help businesses properly protect these workers and reduce such incidents. 请立即梅高美集团4858以获取更多风险管理解决方案.

This 风险的见解 is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. 读者应联系法律顾问或保险专业人士以获得适当的建议. ©2023 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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